Nate Diaz po prohře s McGregorem: "Při tréninku jsem si zranil koleno"

Poté, co Nate Diaz prohrál na body nedělní odvetu s Conorem McGregorem, se nechal před novináři po zápase slyšet, že prohrál částečně kvůli tomu, že si při tréninku poranil koleno. I přesto si ale nejprve myslel, že zápas vyhraje, protože dle jenom slov před ním v oktagonu McGregor jen utíkal.

“Yeah, I thought I won the fight. I don’t want to sound all bitter. You know, it’s all good. I got paid, it’s all good, you know what I’m saying? I don’t think he did much. He did a lot of running in that fight. I’ve been saying, and my brother’s been that for years. That in part, I thought he should’ve gotten a yellow card for that type of thing, you know? He ran the whole fight. You see me chasing him around that thing, like, ‘Where are you going?’ I’m pointing at him and he’s scared to engage. I feel like they should’ve took points for that.”

Poté se rozpovídal konkrétněji o zranění kolene, které ho potkalo při trénování na onen zápas. Díky zranění údajně nemohl trénovat celý minulý měsíc.

“I was injured coming into this fight. And that ain’t some excuse, either. I got the whole thing on tape. I hurt my knee about a month ago, and I wasn’t able to train jiu jitsu for the past month. And then about two weeks after that, I was just sparring boxing and I really hurt my rib. I got hit in the body by my (training partner), Alan Sanchez is a really good boxer, skilled boxer. And that put me out of sparring about two and a half weeks ago. And I got that all on tape, just to set it up, not to make excuses cuz I got all that video’d up. But, psshh, he shoulda finished me off. If I would have been fighting me, I’d have took me clean out.”

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